Wednesday, January 28, 2009

UK Libraries are Greedy

I would have though, given the Welfare State that the UK "supposedly" is, that their public systems would be well funded. Museums certainly are. Virtually every one is free general admission. At the British Museum, I just walked straight in. No security check. No people at a desk. The door was literally OPEN. 

So the assumption would be that PUBLIC libraries would be the same as well. Actually, no. Just about the only free thing at libraries are taking out books and using the Internet (when you reserve a computer). What if you want to rent DVDs? That'll be  over £3, please. 

I admit, I'm probably a bit extra-bitter because Netflix's instant movies cannot be played outside the US, and Hulu doesn't work over here, either. But libraries in the US let you get DVDs for free. Score one for the US. 

I wonder what the prices are at the rental store down the road.

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