Friday, October 30, 2009


A little more than a month ago, just before Hobbit/Lost Day I had a realization I've been avoiding since last season's finale — this next season is Lost's last. Ever. There will be no more.

I had some tears, I won't lie. Consequently this is a very, very strange time for Losties. It's the last time that the show is not on that there is still the joy of looking forward to it coming back for more, new, craziness, time jumping, character development, and hopefully more than a few answers.

What brings this to relevance now is an EW article that featured a trailer for the final season of Lost. The video featured on the site is ok, but this one is even better.

The beautiful music! The color inverted and off/sound intro! The symbolic meaning of seeing all the castaways getting on Oceanic flight 815 for the first time! The flashes of the future they have not experienced (or maybe the one they now will never experience?)! And that crazy NEW plane crash! WTF, WHY THE FACE?!?! That never happened before! What does it mean?! ARRRRGGHHHHH!!!!

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