Mind. Blown.
I know that I've said this about every Lost season finale. Season 1: Arzt dies in hilarity, first view of Smokey, emotional whammy of Vincent swimming after the raft, "man of science, man of faith," the numbers being on the hatch, Walt getting taken, and the long camera pull down the hatch. Season 2: Desmond showing up on the boat, Locke's determination to stop pushing the button, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley following traitorous Michael to the Others, Sawyer finally hitting a long-distance shot, realizing the Pearl station was the fake one, Desmond's romantic back story, the Hurley-bird, Desmond's turning the key, Michael and Walt leaving, Jack, Kate, and Sawyer getting kept by the others, and the final flash to the Portuguese men in the snow calling Penny about finding the Island. Season 3: HUGE changes like Charlie dying, Patchy finally dying, the location of the Radio Tower, Hurley saving the day, Sayid revealing his amazing thighs of death, confirmation of Rousseau being Alex's mother, Jack going all crazy on Ben, Locke stabbing Naomi, calling the freighter, Daniel Faraday landing on the Island, and oh yeah THE FLASHFORWARD REVELATION! And finally Season 4, what lead us to this crazy-awesome ride: Sawyer and Jack going off to find Hurley, the joint forces of the Others and Sayid and Kate for the freeing of Ben, the tag-team beating of Keamy by Sayid and Richard Alpert, the freighter bomb reveal, Michael being a hero, the helicopter leaving, Sawyer jumping out of it like a hero, Ben killing Keamy, going into the cavern and turning the frozen donkey wheel, the freighter blowing up, Sun's heart-wrenching scream, the helicopter peoples getting picked up by Penny, Penny and Des' reunion, John Locke's dead body, and the ISLAND DISAPPEARING.
So, yes, each of the previous seasons have had mind-blowing finales. And yes, there are a lot of other things to talk about with this episode - namely the season-long parallels to season 2 brought up by the amazing Doc Jensen of EW.com, the implications for the upcoming final season (!!sorrow of sorrows!!). The great nuances of story points and acting. But for now, let's just focus on the amazing revelations as they come (with bracketed comments made after seeing the whole episode over again, and thinking about the larger meanings).
Jacob is revealed. Talking to Kyle Hollis (aka Titus Welliver) from Life.
(What I presume to be) The Black Rock is floating off the coast of the Island. With the gigantic Anubis statue still erect.
(So why is Jacob all out-and-about survival man back in the 1800's, but doesn't show his face in the later years? Interesting question that ought to be answered in Season Six. OMG I just had a HUGE epiphany. The man in the black shirt who wants to kill Jacob? He's SMOKEY!!! And he says "one of these days sooner or later I'll find a loop-hole my friend." Well, I think he THINKS he's found his loop-hole in John (not)Locke.)
Little Katie looks a good bit like adult —
(The touching Darlton foreshadowed on Totally Lost has begun!)
OK, Juliet, you're interested in Jack just as much as Sawyer's interested in Kate. No judgments.
How does Sayid have the training to know how to remove a nuclear core? Does that mean Iraq DID have nukes?
Aww, little Daniel Faraday in utero. So that means he was younger than Charlotte? Hmm.
I want Razinksky to get severely hurt. He is such a little twit.
Umm, John Locke's really annoying in his pronunciation of Jacob. And his lying. And his everything. What is up with this dude? And now he's hinting at a Dharma-style Purge? Where is good ol' enthusiastic Johnnie boy?
(I wonder if Terry O'Quinn was told from the beginning of the season what was really up with notLocke from the get-go? Because that's a hell of a thing, to be playing your character but NOT your character. He's essentially playing Smokey, IMHO. But how and why did Smokey choose now [2007] and John to be the person of his Loop-hole insurection/murder of Jacob? Another question that must be answered by May 2010.)
I totally knew this was baby-James.
Arggh, more Jacob! Is it just me, or his he kind of sexy? He seems nice, concerned, wise.
TOUCHING!!! What is the point of this? And who is this man encouraging baby-James to not turn into adult-Sawyer? And what makes him not follow the lead of this seemingly caring man? Was it Jacob's touch?
Is Sawyer shooting the com-device why the sub is unable to contact people in the future? I wonder...
Is the whole nuke thing what Faraday was researching in Ann Arbor?
Whoa, did Jack just show faith in John Locke? What a big step for the man in regards to his nemesis. But that does make sense, because Jack has come to embrace the ideals of John.
I did not know that Ben would be so forthright with Locke about seeing Alex. Though he has always been a very honest person in his moments. Despite alllllllllll the lies.
(So is this where notLocke discovered the Loop-hole? Having Ben willing to blindly follow is going to bring him to kill Jacob. My theory: Smokey/notLocke cannot physically kill Jacob, a la Ben and Widmore not being able to kill each other. But having a proxy do it instead would work, and Ben's resignation to do whatever John says is what will allow Jacob's death. But why is notLocke surprised about what Ben saw, if notLocke is Smokey? Smokey/Alex said to follow Locke, but did it mean real Locke or notLocke? I'm going with notLocke really being Smokey, and knowing what happened to Ben in the Temple, but feigning surprise to keep conniving Ben.)
Those were some very pretty colored cars in the aerial of the LA road.
I'm very sad we haven't gotten more Sayid-Nadia time. They seem like such an adorable couple and it would have been very nice to see the softer side if Sir Kills-a-Lot.
Jacob sighting number three!
Oh, no Nadia! Even knowing it was going to happen was devastating. And thus we get the third Touching.
(OK, my question from this flashback is whether Jacob distracted Sayid in order to let Nadia get hit, thus inciting our erstwhile Iraqi to go on his vengeful rampage leading back to the Island, or whether Jacob stopped Sayid so he would not get hit aw well. Another question that I would like answered next season.)
I like to think "Take me home" was not meant as anything but a sweet and sad moment. These human moments are some of the best of Lost, and sometimes it is good when the do not have ulterior motives.
MMMhmmm, Richard, you swing that sledgehammer. Dee-licious. I love me some Richard.
So confirmation that Eloise is their leader. How did she get that position? How did she lose it? Was it voluntary in order to be away from the place of her son's murder?
Do Sayid and Jack seriously think they'll get out of Dharmaville a-okay? This is Lost, that does not happen.
OOhhh, shiznit, Sayid took a gut-shot! I surprised at how concerned AND unconcerned I am. After all the history this show has built up with the man, I expected myself to have a lot of concern over his well-being and ultimate demise. At least a lot more than I have right now. But at the same time, I do not forgive his shooting of baby-Ben. And therefore I'm surprised I care at all about his shooting. I really think Sayid's arc has been completed, and he should now be able to die in peace. Go to Nadia, no more torturing necessary!
Juliet, why are you looking longingly at the sub? If you really wanted to be on it, you should not have instigated the leaving of it!
VINCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How adorable was Sawyer's greeting of him?!
OMG Rose and Bernard! That was the best reaction of Rose ever. And Bernard. I love them.
Oh Jack, how very manipulative you're being. "If you want to save Sayid, go to the Swan!" "If you want to be with your wife, bring me to the Swan!" Jerk.
"Because we're retired." Classic. And Bernard's new locks - amazing! Love it. Very Island chic.
Aw Sawyer baby, I love your sad meaningful looks. But why are you looking at Kate! Juliet can totally see you! ARgh!!! Rose and Bernard's "together" talk is very important for these people to hear.
So, who is Illana? And who are those people with her? Later-day Dharma-ites? Others? Widmore people? Some other shady group? I want answers to these questions in Season Six!
How do they know about Jacob's Cabin? And why is the ash breakage so importante? Is the ash breakage from John Locke circa Season Three, or is it from earlier?
Why is Illana all bandaged (not that I care about her, just interesting to know), and when is it?
(Does Jacob visiting her mean that he knew what was going to happen in the foot with notLocke and Ben? This is a question very necessary! Also, who has been using the shack? I wonder if this ever was Jacob's cabin, because wasn't it Horace that was building it? Ben's telling Locke about it being where Jacob lived was probably a lie. It is probably just where the ghosties come. But then why did Illana and her posse come to find Jacob there? Too...many...questions...ok, my brain just came a little close to implosion. but I'm fine...for now.)
Flannery O'Connor — Everything that Rises Must Converge. Add that to the list. Especially since Jacob is reading it.
TOUCHING!!! John Locke!! Sighting number five!
I'm a little creeped out by Locke's moobs.
What do you have Locke?
I am loving Ben's line delivery (as always) "I'm a Pisces." What does that have to do with anything? haha.
I have to admit, though I don't want Jacob to die, Locke's reasoning is very logical. Locke who does not seem like Locke anymore is totally playing Ben - role reversal!!
Oh, Aaron's cradle! I hope Sun finds Charlie's ring!
She has, she has!! Oh, I love this show when it's all sweet and sentimental.
Sorry to burst your romantic bubble Jin, but isn't the earth always seperate from the sky? They're kind of different states of matter.
JACOB NUMBER SIX!!! Man, that...man gets around. And more touching! What could be the significance (if any) of Jacob speaking Korean excellently. My guess: since he's old, he's learned a lot of languages and had time to get them right. Not mind-blowing, but logical. And TOUCHING - DOUBLE TIME!
I'm looking forward to a major Jack - Sawyer face off. Those looks said it all - and it's been a very long time coming.
Here endith "The Incident: Part I."
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