Another example: when money is on the line. I hate spending money, but I do not mind shilling out for this dear, dear show. I've bought/pre-ordered all the previous four seasons, and in the process always got them for under $40, which is a big added bonus when drama season DVDs usually go for around$60. However, ABC/Universal went and decided that randomly, for the fifth season they would FINALLY put out a special edition box set. Look at this beautiful thing.
It's going to have the five discs, a VHS tape (!), and I'm assuming some cool pamphlets or something. But the VHS tape and and special edition-ness of it makes this a DVD worth buying. Lost has never put out a special DVD set, so I would assume they have some pretty great stuff for this. Also, the set (which is normally $119.99) is only $79.99 at Amazon (double !!).
But here's where my crazy type-A-ness comes in — if I were to get the Dharma Initiation Kit, as it's being called, it would not match my previous Lost DVD sets. Here they are. Aren't they pretty?
This is the regular season 5 DVD, which goes along with the previous jacket designs.
So do I go for hopefully (but not guaranteed) awesome extras at a relatively good price, or cheaper similar packaging with pretty good extras?
I would pray on the subject, but I don't want to get smitten (or smote? Smoted?) by God for bothering him with something completely trivial.
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