Sunday, September 6, 2009

Are Any Films NOT Improved by Being 30 Seconds...and Reinacted by Bunnies?

I have to admit, I was one of the very few people that did not like March of the Penguins that much. It was almost universally loved, but I just did not find the film that compelling and it was rather tedious, despite the adorableness of the animals and the kick-ass narration by A+ voice talent Morgan Freeman.

However, whist surfing the wild web yonder I rediscovered Starz 30-second Bunny Theatre. And their version of the film is much better (or just hilarious), what with the pretty decent Freeman mimicry, and the line "This is a story of survival and hot penguin loving." Check it out.

Want to get a load of the many other films that are just as, or even more, amazing when they are 30-seconds and re-enacted by bunnies? Check out They are also rentable on DVDs!

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