Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Adventures of Kristyne-Koala: What the Traveler!

I just realized Kristyne-Koala hasn't given her adoring fans an update in quite some time. For a while she had to disappear from the limelight and get treated for "exhaustion," but she's back! With a whirlwind tour! 

Before starting off across the big blue wet thing, Kristyne-Koala took a short holiday in a Winter Wonderland! Where is she? 
Snow abounds across the wooded hills
Of this northern state I love so dear, 
So much so that it gives me thrills
To return to the place of the redcoats' fear.
And when Kristyne-Koala arrives
With me and Boris, so used to the cold,
Though she shivers atop the iced-over ride
She can leave the winds that blow so bold, 
Go into the Walnut enclave, and rest
Her paws round a very warm mug. 
Content in the most unique, and best, 
Home on the street - a place of warm hugs.
Sitting four floors up
away from the city streets
oogling Sawyer. 

Tall silent sentinels, dressed to the nines 
In green velvet, keep vigil on the hill.
Their spidery feel hold to the inclines
As the have forever, or at least still
Since the Celts brought these rough-hewn stones
to the varied circles and high-build henge. 
To think they were able, with so many moans
Of strain and pain, to create this Stonehenge
Cousin. So as Kristyne-Koala sits 
Surveying the site, she begins to think 
About all that has past and what it's 
That is yet to come, in this thought sinks - 
How lucky it is that was have this fair place 
And such beauty exists in the whole of space. 

I don't know what it is
That makes me love this picture so. 
Perhaps it's the tragic loveliness of the broken arches -
not as complete as Tintern, but with their small simplicity - 
Perhaps it's the green grass - 
A promise of the good weather to come - 
Perhaps it's the way I look - 
Not yet flushed with the Tor-id attempt - 
Whatever the reason, the end result
Is a photograph with a person I love
And a moment of a memory I wish to dearly savor. 
Yum Yum goes the little grey Koala one day
Yum Yum goes the little grey Bear.
Yum Yum goes the little grey Koala one day
And the bath waters tast'd like Iron.
Yuck Yuck goes the little grey Koala 
Yuck Yuck goes the little grey Bear. 
Yuck Yuck goes the little greay Koala, 
And the Romans couldn't have liked that. 

1 comment:

Kristyne Elizabeth said...

anne northgraves, did you know that i love you a whole bunch!

i miss you!