Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lost Returns!! (Major Spoilers Ahoy!)

Michael Emerson deserves an Emmy. And a Golden Globe. And a Screen Actor's Guild Award. I don't know if they have a cute nickname (they should), but he should have one. He should have one of each for every season he as been on Lost. 

The man makes my heart simultaneously break and freeze at the utter pain his character must be going through, yet he remains cold and practically evil. You would retain my sympathy, Ben, if you did NOT plan on killing Penny as revenge for the murder of Alex.

Speaking of plots, what an episode! Ben time/space traveled! Alex killed! Claire practically killed! Ben's secret communion tunnel with Smokey! Ben's control of Smokey! The CSI-Doctor is DEAD AND ALIVE AT THE SAME TIME (The actor also plays Eckley on CSI)! Sawyer hearts (in a totally hetero, manly, I'll-kill-you-if-you-hurt-my-friend's-hair way) Hurley! 

Basically, it was great. I was freaking out, making nonsensical noises, flailing, generally being me. When in the presence of Lost.

1 comment:

Professor Powers said...

Lol. You Lost fans just LOVE to dissect every aspect of that show...