I first saw the term "pet peeve" in The Simpsons Forever! book - and I initially thought it had to do with pets. I still don't know quite where the term comes from, but now I know that it basically means "things that annoy me." And that pet peeves are my specialty. From my mother's CHHMMM EEEEMMMGGGMM throat-clearing to anyone who throws away food.

So, one of my irrational pet peeves is mislabeled/misrepresented entertainment information. And Hulu, though I love it so, just committed a major boo-boo. In the scrolling list of recent Hulu additions there is a page for Lost: Season 1 (above). Yet clearly Desmond, Juliet, Ben, Daniel, and Miles (hiding behind the title) were NOT in Season 1. Judging by those characters and the lack of certain others I'd say this is either Season 4 or 5, probably 5. This happened in a previous Hulu ad for Lost: Season 1 showing a promotional shot for Season 2. I could forgive that, because most of the characters were the same. But using Season 4/5 is a huge discretion in time. Fail, Hulu.
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