Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Issues with Subtitles

I just got Akira Kurosawa's Ran from Netflix, and while it's a fabulous film, I'm having a major problem with the whole subtitle thing. I have to read what the characters are saying, so I cannot multi-task and study for tests while watching it. 

One might say, "Anne, why don't you just watch it with English dubbing? Then you don't have to watch the screen." Ahh, but there's the rub. While that would be the logical thing to do, I am not a logical person. I am super anal, and have this complex where I MUST watch foreign language films with subtitles, not dubbing. 

There's just something about hearing the actual language that adds so much to watching and understanding the movie. And it makes it more real. It's inherently funny hearing dubbed voices: a fake quality. I could maybe see myself watching Kung Fu Hustle with dubbing, but Kurosawa's serious pieces? No way, Jose. 

Oh well. There are worse dilemmas. 

1 comment:

Professor Powers said...

That would be a good idea for an experiment--

Have half the subjects watch a foreign language film in subtitles, and the other half watch a dubbed version.

My hypothesis would be that the subtitled version would be rated much higher in terms of overall appreciation of the film.