Ah summer (Not Glau. Which isn't a surprising link to make if you'd been watching several episodes of
Firefly [and the commentary] like I have). Between a near-week-long trip to Harrisburg to spend some much-needed time with my Ithaca people I missed while in London, hanging with my pEEps, a lack of universal internet in the house, attempts to read and clean my room, and the all-consuming entity that is summer television I haven't been able getting online much. I mean, seriously. It's like the universe wants me to be a big fat blob.
Bones marathons.
CSI marathons. Nights with Conan and the increasingly amusing Jimmy Fallon.
But man, I'm making time for
THIS glorious news.
Futurama is back! Sweet Hypno Toad's Heiny. Let's all jump on the Planet Express Ship and set sail to Comedy Central, sometime in 3010. Oops, I mean 2010. The network has picked up 26 episodes of the show, which hasn't seen new episodes since the four feature-length direct-to-DVD movies released since 2007, which were themselves broken up into 16 episodes shown on Comedy Central.

So until the joyous day when the new eps begin, I say we keep watching old (but never boring)
Futuramas. Oh, the glory of summer.